Universalizing religion affords a potential answer.
I'll start with a case study to make parallels more obvious.
Mormonism is a pretty pluralistic religion. This doesn't mean Mormon parents are happy to let their kids be best friends with a boozer or sexter. Like many high-cost religions, Mormons can be pretty tribalistic when it comes close associations. But, they are also famous for never getting offended when people reject their beliefs. While this may come from its high percentage of return missionaries who are very well versed in rejection, this trait has theological resonances.
When someone rejects Mormonism, Mormons tend to think "well they'll just accept it later once they have the full picture". They often reason that the person is just clouded due to circumstances arising from a fallen world. Mormon temple work backs this meme up. Everyone is afforded an opportunity for necessary acceptance rituals.
So is the reason many progressives, especially evangelical wokeists, are happy with Taliban-based diversity in their neighbourhood, but aghast at truck driving conservatives due to a Mormon like assumed universality?
If only that Taliban had a good chance to hear the wonders of diversity, they'd accept it. Just let them live here for a few years, and maybe their oppressed upbringing can be partially cleansed? In other words, the group I'm talking about believes BIPOC rejection of woke tenets is due to environmental issues, not due to open-eyed choice.
On the other hand, evil conservatives have seen enough to make informed decisions, and they have purposefully rejected progress. In Mormonism, this type of sin is reserved to a very very few who have a sure knowledge of Gospel truth and then purposefully reject it as per the devil.
Purposeful religious rejection vs environmentally biased rejection may explain the confounding observation that many Wokeists abhor conservatives mild sins while tolerating horrendous 3rd world BIPOC sins. The former is purposeful and done knowingly. The latter is done unwittingly and is environmentally caused (ultimately by the devil of white supremacy and patriarchy).
Of course one could also just say that conservatives are heretics while 3rd world BIPOC intolerants are just pagans. This sort of gets at what is happening. But, I don't think the explanation is deep enough.