In my field (education reform) if you insert multi-level selection theory into educational change problems you wind up with a model for the cultural evolution of educational reform resistance. The formulation is superficially simple: the grouping(s) of institutionalized education has coalesced with a strong enough moral mission, robust enough rituals/practices, and successful-enough freeloader solutions, etc. to function as an adaptive group. The large-group orientation is characterized by universalizing tendencies and out-group inclusion. This is often represented by the social equity side of education. The small-group orientation is characterized context/demographic specific foci. This is often represented by the academic & vocational side of (charter/private) education.
Tension between these two orientations is complex due to similar adaptive benefits for each orientation. Social equity/justice wins for a time as the problems of inequality rise in importance. At other times academic/vocational specialization wins out: Sometimes niche solutions are both easy to envision and locally implement!
Reform resistance is a fundamental character of adaptive groups. In education, it is also a spandrel of high frequency large-group - small-group orientation cycling. Context-invariance is a natural byproduct of in highly dynamic (high-pressure) selective environments. Thus, educational groups have evolved traits which survives orientational changes. The reproduction, refinement and expression of these traits represents the education's cultural evolution.
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