It's hard not tho think of Kyle Rittenhouse and many of the Capital rioters/protestors as political prisoners. I don't think there's much doubt that Rittenhouse shot the BLM rioters in self-defense after they attacked him for putting out a garbage bin rolled into a gas station. He is clearly a show piece meant to prevent unorganized militia from doing what the police and national guard should have done in the summer riots (or according to the constitution, what WELL ORGANIZED local militia should have been able to do).
The other week I discussed how the system was setting things up to treat the capital rioters/protesters in sovietesque style. Looks like the denial of bail for people who refuse to acquiesce about election illegitimacy are getting denied bail. Does denying the fact that there was large voter harvesting or large amounts of after-the-deadline mail in ballots, or lack of signature verification really mean you are going to flee the country or engage in violence? That's sort of the foil one has to take to decide if these people are really political prisoners or not. From there questions about over-charging and "find me the man, I'll find you a crime" come out. I don't think there's any doubt that's what the government is doing. You can almost hear their intonations of "we'll restore order one way or another". There's no doubt systems got their marching orders to press things as hard as they can. As systems, governments have a hard time resisting the siren call of power application - especially when it is seen in moral terms. This event has certainly been moralized. And that's why they can't see the soviet styled purge they're doing as anything bad.
Here's another, better written take on the political prisoner lens - with a few more facts about what has been happening legally.
Looks like a judge agreed that the Cowboy Trump protestor who was locked up should be released. Apparently he appeals judge found that things weren't "brazen".
I guess that means the first finding must have been.... political?