You can either view most pop media as a new de facto, inquisitional type of priest class, or simply as social cohesion capital leeches.
I suspect the true believers are more the priest class type. Rachel Maddow and most BLM komissars come to mind here. Stetler, Cuomo and others seem to me more the leech type. Pelosi and most Establishment types strike me more as grand inquisitors who do it for the power and sheer joy of power exercise. True Stalinist personality types, who are at best rationalizing things 'for the greater good' as per most modern movie arch villains.
The leeches worry me the most. You can't get rid of the spread of true believers and power hungry inquisitors. Once you get too many leeches though, things fall apart quickly. Social cohesion capital is a very slow renewing resource - akin to coal & oil. You don't get it back in a generation. And once the civil wars get going and you fall down polity sizes (i.e. down to a lower adaptive group level of societal organization), you don't claw your way out of it easily. How long did it take the Egyptians to get back on their feet after their post-kingdom collapse? The Mayans? The western Romans? The eastern Romans? It's something to look at.
The US got back on their feet after their Revolutionary civil war, and their 1860's civil war. But, they had space to expand. Right now they're in a much different space. WHile some may see it as globalist growing pains, I tend to see it as empire collapse pains. Time will tell which it is. Most of the markers strike me as growth of two new and distinct sub-contintental nations. The tearing down of old national symbols, the growth of new national anthems, new meta-narrative histories (1619 project), the xenophobic rejection of competing ethnies, and the desire for new rule of law, all strike me as the hallmarks of nationalism. These tendencies may be clothed in globalistic rhetoric, but I think its specific type of globablism is more akin to "expanding the size of one's dominion (and hence power)" more than it is true globalism. The infighting between the religiously committed globablists and the "BLM" nationalistst will be interesting to see. How that turns out will depend on how a power hungry figure like Pelosi, who in many ways resembles a cowardly version of Constantine, plays out. Unfortunately, I don't see her or most like her as having any real moral backbone. Hence I think they will destroy, but won't have the insight to make it a creative destruction as per Constantine.
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