Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Education as indoctrination?

 In the US, there's been a recent upsurge in opposition to Critical Race Theory, and to a lesser extent its parent theory, Critical Social Justice Theory.

The opposition basically boils down to this

Education has now mostly completed its shift toward what history usually refers to as "citizenship" education. In these phases education takes on a substantial moral character. The late 1800's was one of the more dramatic examples of this cyclical shift. Protestants tried to remove the catholic nature of immigrants. The result was a focus on morality. Catholics, feeling the marginalization this brought with it, elected to separate from the public school system.

I expect we will see a similar shift in K-12 education. In Alberta you have teachers who refuse to teach the "white supremacy" of a right wing curriculum. You also have rural folk saying much the same thing with regard to woke progressive indoctrinal curriculums. Decisions will get made based on the relative strength of bureaucratic institutions (which are exclusively left wing progressive) and populism (which is the last bastion of center and conserverative power).

The evolutionary arrow suggests institutions will win.  The only question is whether their lack of magnanimity in cultural victory will cause as second great split in public education, like the late 1800's public - separate school system schism.  We have the tech to do this.  Homeschooling is always the system to look at in this regard.  I suspect we'll see teacher's unions and progressive controlled governments locking up homeschooling.  But, you may also see populist governments de-fanging union control by enabling alternative educational systems.

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