Sunday, June 13, 2021

Political "Catholicism"

 This week I've been reading Yoram Hazony's "The Virtue of Nationalism".  He had an interesting term for Wokeism - he called it a type of anti-liberal catholicism.

His idea was that wokeism is at least as religious as any other conventional religion, has the same type of appeals to authority as any other religion, has the political desires of medieval catholicism, and has the same assumptions of universality as small c catholicism (it is all encompassing and nothing escapes it).

Looks like Tim Pool has an editor from the New York post on who is following the same line of reasoning.  Wokeism is a new political religious force that just assumes it is the only possible paradigm and all other perspectives are just wrong an sinful.

As you can see, this sets up a huge fight with America's protestant roots.  You don't have to go too far back (to the time of Kennedy) to remember how reviled papists were.

I'll have to see how this interview goes.  Tim Pool, tends to be a bit too non-academic for me to handle his long-form stuff...

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