Thursday, January 21, 2021

History rhymes

 One of the nice things about having free speech (while it lasts...) is being able to read really interesting takes on obscure things despite the fact the authors may be black-listed and writing on wrongthink sites.

Steve Sailer is often one of those types of authors. His recent analysis of the modern MAGA purge as a doppleganger to 1917 German fearmongering / scapegoating is bang on.

It makes one think about why certain behavioural wells exist in politics. Country won't go along with your "correct" establishment directives? Find a scapegoat, block their speech, and then set up a fake enemy to let all sorts of authoritarian tricks go unchecked.

The collapse of the Republican party as any representation of the populace has, of course, left the door wide open for this. The establishment is doubly energized by the conversion of its peer resistors into allies. And, it can easily swamp the speech of any foes. All it has to do is pull a 50's McCarthy hysteria and presto.  The risks of civil war and civil unrest just feed into the desired solution space.  After all, what's a little war if it purges the unlean from amongst you?

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