Tuesday, January 26, 2021

The slip into Authoritarianism

The slip into authoritarianism is really fascinating to watch. As I've said before, it reminds me of the Box Troll quote where the naive assistants catching the box trolls suddenly wonder if they're actually not the good guys in the movie but are in fact the evil henchmen.

How do the US get to the point where most people think that a militarized capital on heightened alert for members of the opposing political party is a new normal?  How did something that was treasonous last summer during moments of real violence suddenly become virtuous this month during periods of much less intense violence? And then, how did long term militarization suddenly seem normal? Actual threat levels vs establishment percieved threat levels are hopelessly out of whack.

There is certainly great POTENTIAL for mass resistance. But then, extra legal edge pushing tends to do that (on both sides of the fence).


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