There's a lot of political upheaval down south right now. The rationalization that it's better to ignore election fraud than to risk legitimizing Trumpish bullishness will have major ramifications. There was just no way out of the US' quagmire. You either got Trump and establishment tears or you got Biden and populist tears. That the establishment would back itself should be unsurprising. And yet, many people seem genuinely shocked that the judiciary would largely ignore rule of law by choosing Robert's fairly rational stance that "whatever happens when votes are count is what stays happened". Legitimate illegality be dammed. Nothing is significant enough to overturn the ousting of a destroyer and usurper.
The energizer in all this is Wokeism.
As I've been saying for a few years, Wokeism is a new modular, guerrilla, religion. It's removal of supernaturalism, eschewment of brick-and-mortar organization, intertwinement with governance, and growing enforcement by force of law (and mob based tar-and-feathering) reflect an evolutionary step as significant as the emergence of the "World" religions.
From a Structural Demographic view (see Peter Turchin), Wokeism affords a perfect tool for elite classes to lock out aspirant elites. Realistically, it doesn't so much lock them out as control the means of their migration. Only certain vectors, like
Media -> politics
Hollywood -> politics
Activist -> politics
Establishment family -> politics
will soon be legitimized.
When you get to a high-enough level view, it's hard not to see this as an entrenchment of caste. Caste entrenchment is a hard to resist human cultural well. The evolutionary transition literature sees it (role specialization) as one of three of four key criteria for an evolutionary change. It's hard not to see its cultural change equivalent as something other than a landscape "trap".
Thus, I tend to see the whole Woke equality thing as something of a motte and bailey. It's designed to make all us commoners more equal. Heaven knows society needs something here. But it does not make society at large more equal. It, like communism and Christianity before it, make society more caste based.
The political upheaval Wokeism affords is analagous to what ancient Christianity afforded power hungry Roman elites. It is a high cost commitment display that enables a broad, competitor purge. Communism enabled much the same thing. These socialist movements all tend to resonate with progressive proximate causes. I'd wager that since the age of empires (10kya) there has been selection for governing preferences which include some level of "give-back" or "equality". The idea that leaders would, on balance want real liberty and power sharing is a-biological. What gets selected is an appearance of equality with a heart of imbalance. You need the plebes to really believe things are equal and fair. You just can't have those rules apply in any meaningful way (other than symbolically) to you.
The hypocrisy of one-sided racism and gain-power to destroy power are pretty obvious. But, they're being sold hook line and sinker to people. "This time the revolution will be different!". But what scares me, is that communist revolutions, while similar to today's moral political hysteria, missed the religious elements that enabled Christian and Islamic domination. If you read 1984, the Party needed a way, not just to cajole people into belief, but a way to really get them to believe. But this belief required support for hypocrisy. Communism was too utopian. Leaders were still theoretically required to play by the same rules as the commoners. While animals have different needs, 20th century Marxism made no allowance for difference. It just accepted that corruption was inevitable and revolution would have to be continual.
Today's Wokeism turns this around in a very pernicious way. Continual revolution between castes and within the control caste is not needed. Flipping the "patriarchy" is a feature not a bug. What could go wrong with a governing population with this mindset. It's not like they would think of deplatforming inconvenient voices - say like disbarring Sydney Powell and other people who won't shut up about things that have already been decided....