Monday, November 9, 2020


The other month James Lindsay had a twitter feud with the 2+2=5 group. For those not up on that discourse, it's basically Critical Theory saying everything is relative. That tool is now being applied in the harder sciences. Part of that is to get easy papers published (academia always needs a new kick for job progression). 

Part of the thinking is accurate. Not all operators or things are always understood the same way. That's why assumptions are always baked into discourse. One argument is that things like addition operators and numbers are well defined. Therefore, if you're using slightly different logic, it's on you to explain your assumptions, not upon others to infer them. This is what separates white supremacy from Critical Theory.

But, the power dynamic boils down to being able to say 2+2=5 and being free from critique. It's what 1984 discussed with respect to the ultimate goals of newspeak - being able to eliminate any ties language has to objectivity. The narrative matters more than objectivity. Why? We've already got enough objectivity.

It's hard not to see the media's reaction to the Biden laptop (there is no evidence it gives) or the censorship of election issues in the same light.  For instance, twitter is now banning Benford Law links (the standard? statistical analysis used to look for fraud, including voter fraud). Or, perhaps more accurately, they're banning specific links which tie Benford's law to voter fraud and then specifically cite the objective data on swing state votes.

It's not just that saying "2+2=4" is getting you banned off twitter, youtube or facebook.  It's that discussion must say 2+2=5 and saying 2+2=4 is offensive, divisive and aligns you with white supremacy.

Is that just the natural trap that cultish utopian movements fall into? "Say the name of God". Just recognize our power/legitimacy (in an Orwellian way).  It seems like once you can't say objective facts because they convey the wrong meta-narrative balance, you're in trouble. Once too many people start believing 2+2=4, then the overlords will say, then we have a problem. They're trying to curate the right level of detachment from reality. And, that's scary.

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