Saturday, November 7, 2020

The Ethos of Inclusion: Forces its Formalization via Lawfare?

The sanest way to think of Trump's lawfare w voter "fraud" is to think of it as forcing out some uniform rules for future elections. 

  • When does voting start and end?  The moment you write your ballot or the moment it is recieved? Or anytime up until the hegemony gets what it wants because "all votes matter"
  • What type of ID do we really want?  None? All persona's are legal? Exclusionary ID like photo ID like most Western countries?
  • How do you balance security against "every vote matters" inclusion?
  • And most importantly, what role is voter harvesting going to play? And how does it get safeguarded?

The last point is the most salient, but hardest to confront through lawfare.  One side will deny its existence. But as Blogojevich's recent Fox interview, and Ilhan Omar's project Veritas expose with the Somali community - it is alive and well and certainly played a pivotal role in Trump's loss (though apparently hard to find on youtube even with direct search terms...)

But just making it illegal isn't going to change much. It is a default modus operandi.  Whoever doesn't play with it won't survive for long.  This reality has been hammered home to the politically naive and inexperienced Trump.

Results support the Democratic narrative that there are huge numbers of voters for whom the old process doesn't enfrancise.  How do you accommodate their political interests without guaranteeing more "extra legal stuff" that, for many, is now part of the ethos of inclusion?


1 comment:

  1. Here is an example of the illegal vote idea being linked to the anti illegal immigrant lexicon - by one of the major new leaders in anti-racism (via a 10M Jack Dorsey grant)
